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What Are The Health Benefits Of Microgreens?

Looking for a natural and nutritious way to boost your health? 🥦🌱

Aren’t we all?

Even from back when I was a child, my mother always focused on providing the healthiest food. And she was right. Good food is the fuel you need to make each day bright and happy. When you’re eating well, the world just looks all the more beautiful and the sun seems to shine brighter.

From my own heart, today I want to share with you a quick, healthy, 100% natural solution that could change the game for you, just like it has for me.

Introducing microgreens.

These tiny greens pack a punch with incredible benefits, which is precisely what we’re talking about today.
Join me as we explore the world of microgreens and answer some common questions about this exciting new food. 😊

What are Microgreens?

Kohlrabi Microgreen Grow Kit Microgreens are young, edible plants harvested just after they’ve sprouted and developed their first true leaves. They’re also quickly becoming one of the best-emerging food products because of how many benefits they can bring into your life!

They come in various types and flavors, from mild and sweet broccoli, to the spicy and peppery radish microgreens.

Microgreens are not only a great addition to your diet but also an easy way to grow your own food at home. Microgreens grow both indoors and out, and thanks to their dainty size, even if you’re short on space, this is still a food experience you can enjoy!🌿🏡

What Benefits Do Microgreens Offer?

Microgreens offer a multitude of health benefits, thanks to their dense concentrations of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. In addition to their nutritional value, they can also help boost the immune system, support healthy digestion, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Yes, microgreens are packed with nutrients, making them an incredibly beneficial addition to your diet, but these benefits extend far deeper than just “being healthy.”

Allow me to explain. 

In this list, we’ll explore the various and potential health benefits of microgreens that can help improve your overall health and well-being. 🌿🌟

  • Nutrient-Dense: Microgreens contain higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants than their mature counterparts. This makes them an excellent source of essential nutrients your body needs to function optimally, whether that’s giving you dietary fiber or helping you embrace any of the many health benefits microgreens are famed for! 💪
  • Supports Immune System: The high levels of vitamins and minerals found in microgreens, such as Vitamin C, A, and E, contribute to a robust immune system, helping your body fight off infections and illnesses. 🛡️
  • Anti-inflammatory Properties: Many microgreens contain antioxidants that help combat inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and promoting overall health. 🌱🔥
  • Boosts Energy Levels: The nutrients and antioxidants in microgreens can help improve energy levels by supporting cellular function, making you feel more energized and refreshed. 🌿🏃‍♀️
  • Boosts Heart Health: Microgreens are rich in polyphenols, an antioxidant that can help lower the risk of heart disease by reducing triglyceride and LDL cholesterol levels. ❤️
  • Supports Brain Health: The nutrients and antioxidants found in microgreens may help protect your brain from oxidative stress and inflammation, which could reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other cognitive disorders. 🧠
  • Promotes Skin Health: Microgreens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to glowing, healthy skin. They can help improve skin elasticity, reduce inflammation, and protect against UV damage. Even simple foods, like lettuce microgreens, are great because they bring so much easy hydration into your life! 🌱✨
  • Enhances Hair Health: Essential nutrients in microgreens, like iron, potassium, and electrolytes, can help strengthen hair and reduce breakage, promoting healthier, more resilient hair. 💇‍♀️
  • Supports Bone Health: Microgreens contain vitamins and minerals, like calcium and vitamin K, that contribute to strong bones and prevent bone loss as you age. 🦴
  • Improves Eye Health: The high levels of antioxidants, like carotenoids, found in microgreens can help protect your eyes from age-related diseases and maintain overall eye health. 👁️
  • Aids in Weight Management: Microgreens are low in calories and nutrients, making them an ideal addition to a healthy diet, supporting weight management and overall health. Red cabbage microgreens are great for this!🥗
  • Reduces Cancer Risk: The antioxidants found in microgreens, such as polyphenols, may help reduce the risk of various types of cancer by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. 🌱🛡️

That’s a lot to get through, and there are still more perks that I haven’t covered. 

However, for now, that’s probably enough to chew on and is a clear showcase of why microgreens absolutely deserve a place in your kitchen!

Are Microgreens a Superfood?

You’ve probably heard of superfoods.

Foods and fresh vegetables like;

  • Legumes
  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Dark leafy greens

And the list goes on.

Since microgreens are just smaller, far more adorable editions of these plants, then yes, absolutely microgreens are superfoods. 

Actually more so since young plants have the most nutritional value when they’re at this age (7-12 days), up to 40x more vitamins than mature plants and a ton more antioxidants!

Because of this, yes, microgreens are considered a superfood.

They’re nutrient-dense and contain high vitamin concentrations (but it depends on the microgreens you’re eating!), as well as increased mineral and antioxidant levels compared to their mature counterparts. 

Long story short, they’re a fantastic way to incorporate essential nutrients into your diet naturally and affordably!

Which Microgreen is the Healthiest?

5 different types of microgreens

While all microgreens offer proven health benefits, some stand out for their nutrient content. For instance, pea shoots (and other brassica microgreens) and radish microgreens are exceptionally nutritious, boasting high levels of vitamins and minerals.

But the truth is, it’s all relative to you.

Your health, well-being, mind, body, and spirit are individual to you, and what you need to thrive and be healthy may be different to me and everyone else. Therefore, it’s worth researching to see what microgreens will give you the nutritional punch you’re looking for.

For example, radishes and purple kohlrabi are ideal if you’re looking to introduce more iron into your diet.

If you want more calcium, growing microgreens like Savoy cabbage and broccoli microgreens would be best.

It’s all about finding what’s best for you, but from my point of view, enjoying a varied and well-balanced selection of all the microgreens you can get your hands on will help you cover all bases, so don’t be afraid to experiment and eat what you enjoy!

Can I Eat Microgreens Every Day?


You can enjoy microgreens daily as a delicious and nutritious addition to your meals. Remember to eat a balanced diet and vary your microgreens choices to maximize their benefits. 😋

The trick is to spice things up and get creative.

Sure, you can eat microgreens on their own – which makes them no less delicious – but step out of your comfort zone!

Use them on a pizza or flatbread. In a soup. As a garnish. As a side to pretty much any dish you want to enjoy. Mix them in the smoothie. Use in a sandwich, burger, or taco. Add them into an omelet.

And could go on and on, but it’s really up to you. Take microgreens and fit them into your diet in your own way that fits your tastes! It doesn’t have to be complicated – just have fun with it!

Are Microgreens Better Raw or Cooked?

orzo pasta with egg and microgreens with a microgreen grow kit in the backgroundMicrogreens are best enjoyed raw, as cooking them may reduce their nutrient content. Add them to salads and sandwiches, I use them as a garnish to preserve their nutritional value. 🥙🥪

Science backs this up by telling us that cooking microgreens at a high heat can actually destroy the enzymes and vitamins we’re trying to consume! 

Which Microgreen is Best for Liver Health?

Broccoli, kale, and beetroot are your best bet for improving your overall liver health. These fresh food microgreens contain antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that help support liver function and detoxification processes. 🌿🥦

What are Microgreens' Benefits for the Skin?

Sunflower microgreens, alongside radish, broccoli, kale, and nasturtium, are fantastic for your skin. 

They provide essential nutrients, like zinc, vitamins A, B, D, E, and antioxidants like polyphenols, which promote skin health and radiance. The anti-inflammatory effects of microgreens can also help soothe and calm irritated skin. 🌱✨

What are Microgreens' Benefits for Hair?

Microgreens can help improve the health of your hair by providing essential nutrients that strengthen hair and reduce breakage. 

Beetroot microgreens, in particular, are rich in iron, potassium, and electrolytes, making them an excellent choice for promoting hair health. 🌿💇‍♀️

Growing Your Own Nutrient-Packed Microgreens

Arugula Microgreens fully grown with Our Tiny Gardens grow kit

All of this juicy knowledge got you hungry for more?

Me too, and there’s no better way to get fulfilled than to growing microgreens your own way!

Growing your own microgreens presents an enjoyable, fun, and simple alternative to purchasing wilted greens that have lost some of their freshness and nutrients over time. 

I’m actually writing a full guide on this topic as we speak, so don’t forget to check back here so you don’t miss that. 

But for now, I’ll give you a sneak peek of what to expect via this quick guide to get you started.

First, there are two ways you can grow microgreens – in soil and using a special hydroponic set.

Soil-Based Microgreens

Soil-based microgreens are grown in a traditional potting mix, typically containing a blend of peat moss, vermiculite, and perlite. This method provides a natural growing environment, closely mimicking the conditions in which plants grow in the wild.


  • Easy to set up: Soil-based microgreens require minimal equipment and are easy to start, making them beginner-friendly. Just put some dirt in a pot, plant the seeds, and away you go!
  • Rich in nutrients: Quality potting mix provides microgreens with a wide range of nutrients, promoting healthy growth. It’s a natural way to go about it!


  • It’s messy: Soil can be messy to work with and may require more cleanup than hydroponic systems.
  • Possible disease and pests: Soil can harbor diseases and pests, which can spread easily in a soil-based system. Yuck. 😝
  • Slower growth: Microgreens grown in soil may take slightly longer to grow compared to hydroponic systems. This is because soil conditions can vary a lot, and if the conditions aren’t perfect, it can just take a lot of time!

Hydroponic Microgreens

Hydroponic microgreens are grown in a soilless medium, usually using a combination of water and a fibrous mat (coco choir, hemp fibers, etc.). These systems are designed to deliver nutrients directly to the plant’s roots, which can speed up growth and nurture a lot more food in a smaller space!


  • Faster growth: Hydroponic systems can offer faster growth rates and higher yields due to the efficient delivery of nutrients. That means you get to enjoy your microgreens quicker, and grow multiple batches with ease!
  • Cleanliness: Growing microgreens hydroponically eliminates the need for soil, meaning there’s less mess and minimal risk of having diseases and pests.
  • Setup and maintenance: Hydroponic systems are often considered the easiest method for cultivation compared to soil-based systems. Specialized kits designed specifically for microgreens are available, further simplifying the setup and maintenance.


  • Initial cost: Hydroponic setups may require a higher initial investment due to the need for specialized equipment, but it depends on the equipment you get!


Microgreens are truly nature’s superfood, offering a wide range of health benefits and essential nutrients to support your well-being. Adding them to your daily diet is a simple and delicious way to boost your health, skin, hair, and overall vitality. 

So why not start growing your own microgreens and enjoy the amazing benefits they have to offer? 🌱💚🥗

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